Loker BUMN 45 adalah situs jaringan penyedia informasi dan berita Lowongan Kerja BUMN teraktual dan terfaktual. Loker BUMN 45 didirikan sejak 2 Maret 2017. Situs Loker BUMN 45 ini ditujukan kepada para pencari kerja khususnya para Sobat 45 (sebutan bagi para pencari kerja yang aktif di situs dan sosial media Loker BUMN 45). Seiring berjalannya waktu, dalam penyampaiannya Loker BUMN 45 telah melakukan rombakan-rombakan baik sosial media maupun situs. Hal ini ditujukan untuk kenyamanan para Sobat 45 dalam mengakses lowongan kerja serta meningkatkan pengalaman pengunjung laman menjadi lebih baik lagi. Besar harapan kami agar para Sobat 45 dapat segera bergabung dan menjadi bagian dari karyawan pemerintah seperti apa yang semua dambakan dan impikan. Oleh karena itu, dukung terus kami dalam penyampaiannya dengan cara share setiap lowongan terbaru untuk turut serta membangun situs Loker BUMN 45.
Dengan bangga pada kesempatan terbaik ini kami mempersembahkan lowongan kerja kepada para Sobat 45 guna menjadi bagian dari putra-putri terbaik bangsa untuk turut serta bergabung dan mengabdi menjadi bagian dari karyawan PT Jawa Satu Power (Pertamina Power Group) dengan kualifikasi kriteria karyawan sebagai berikut:
Dengan bangga pada kesempatan terbaik ini kami mempersembahkan lowongan kerja kepada para Sobat 45 guna menjadi bagian dari putra-putri terbaik bangsa untuk turut serta bergabung dan mengabdi menjadi bagian dari karyawan PT Jawa Satu Power (Pertamina Power Group) dengan kualifikasi kriteria karyawan sebagai berikut:
1. Warehouse Supervisor
Requirements :
- Minimum a Bachelor’s degree (S1) in degree in industrial/mechanical/electrical engineering
- Minimum of 4 years experience in a similar supervisory position
- Minimum of 5 years experience in the warehouse at power industry or similar industry with 24/7 operations
- Required skills: Warehouse Management System, Inventory Management, Logistics, Receiving, Distribution and Planning Management, ERP (SAP and Maximo), ISO, 5R, Leadership, Communication, Analytical thinking
- Able to create and develop an SOP for the Warehouse Operations and familiar with the relevant business process for the Power Plant’s Warehouse or similar industry
- Knowledge of typical safety and environmental requirement for the storage of hazardous materials
- Knowledge of Monitoring, reviewing, and reporting the overall activity of warehouse operations
- Knowledge of commercial processes and budgeting system
- Experience with the implementation of computerized Accounting systems & Maintenance Management Systems, inventory control, and warehouse management systems
- Good communication in English both oral and written is mandatory.
- Possess excellent team-building skills
2. Warehouse Staff
Requirements :
- Posses at D3/D4/S1 in industrial/mechanical/electrical engineering
- Minimum of 3 years experience in the warehouse at power industry or similar industry with 24/7 operations
- Required skills: Warehouse Management System, Inventory Management, Logistics, Receiving, Distribution and Planning Management, ERP (SAP and Maximo), ISO, 5R, Leadership, Communication, Analytical thinking
- Able to create and develop an SOP for the Warehouse Operations and familiar with the relevant business process for the Power Plant’s Warehouse or similar industry
- Knowledge of typical safety and environmental requirement for the storage of hazardous materials
- Knowledge of Monitoring, reviewing, and reporting the overall activity of warehouse operations
- Knowledge of commercial processes and budgeting system
- Experience with the implementation of computerized Accounting systems & Maintenance Management Systems, inventory control, and warehouse management systems
- Good communication in English both oral and written is mandatory
- Possess excellent team-building skills
3. Electrical Technician
Job Requirements:
- Posses at least Electrical technical degree (Min. D3) or equivalent
- At least 4 years’ experience in power plant electrical maintenance
- Understanding of the basic operation of a Combined Cycle Plant (CCP) with good maintenance practices and concepts
- Support the On-Call Rotation or the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) by being available to respond to a breakdown or an event outside of normal working hours
- Having a mature personality, high level of commitment, good attitude, open-minded for working in a team, and self-motivated
- Good communication in English both oral and written
- Able to read Electrical drawings, measure & test electrical equipment, inspect, troubleshoot or corrective, and repair any type of faults in electrical equipment/system
- Able to use computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) software as well as MS Office programs to record all completion of maintenance activities and any relevant maintenance finding
- Qualified to Perform preventive maintenance of GIS system, Power transformers, HV & LV Switchgear & Electrical Motor Induction, DC Charger, AC UPS System, Protection Relay, Emergency Diesel Generator, maintain lighting system, Variable Frequency Drive VFD, Earthing & Lightning system, cable connection & termination and use of Electrical hand tools/special tools
- Strong knowledge related to electrical system maintenance activity in the power plant as well as commissioning activity prior to commercial operation of the Power Plant
Placement: Cilamaya, Kab. Karawang
If you’re ready to take your career to the next level with us, don’t miss this chance! Send your CV to:
recruitment@jawasatupower.com with subject: JSP – Position (Example. “JSP – Warehouse Staff”)
Note : Rekrutmen ini gratis dan tidak dipungut biaya apapun. Hati-hati terhadap segala tindak penipuan!